Welcome to the website of Skweez The Weezle Celtic Music

Skweez The Weezle Celtic Music is David Lanigan, the founding member of Celtic band Skweez The Weezle.
Skweez The Weezle was an acoustic band that had been proudly carrying on the Celtic music tradition since March 1999 from their base of operations in the Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland), West Richland, Benton City, and Mid-Columbia area of southeastern Washington State. After 25 years, the band is now a band of one.
David Lanigan plays cauld-wind Scottish Lowland bagpipes and smallpipes (both are bellows-blown bagpipes with drones in a common stock); mouth-blown shuttle pipes; and whistles (commonly called tin or penny whistles). David also goes kilted-up to play the Scottish Highland bagpipes.
David's current repertoire includes traditional and original tunes from Highland and Lowland Scotland, Ireland, Cape Breton Island, Brittany, Wales, and the USA.
David is available to play the Scottish Highland bagpipes at weddings, receptions, parties, funerals, memorials, etc. For these types of performances, please see David's website davidplaysthepipes.com for more information.
Skweez The Weezle was an acoustic band that had been proudly carrying on the Celtic music tradition since March 1999 from their base of operations in the Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland), West Richland, Benton City, and Mid-Columbia area of southeastern Washington State. After 25 years, the band is now a band of one.
David Lanigan plays cauld-wind Scottish Lowland bagpipes and smallpipes (both are bellows-blown bagpipes with drones in a common stock); mouth-blown shuttle pipes; and whistles (commonly called tin or penny whistles). David also goes kilted-up to play the Scottish Highland bagpipes.
David's current repertoire includes traditional and original tunes from Highland and Lowland Scotland, Ireland, Cape Breton Island, Brittany, Wales, and the USA.
David is available to play the Scottish Highland bagpipes at weddings, receptions, parties, funerals, memorials, etc. For these types of performances, please see David's website davidplaysthepipes.com for more information.

For the past twenty five years, David and the band kept a busy schedule performing throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana at festivals, Highland games, concerts, coffeehouses, wineries, book stores, universities, weddings, receptions, and private parties. David carries on with more Celtic music in the future.
Skweez The Weezle's first CD "A Celtic Band" (sold out) was released in May 2002. Recorded in various places, including the Jacob Room of Sector 7G Studios, the CD has been well received by listeners throughout the world.
Skweez The Weezle's first CD "A Celtic Band" (sold out) was released in May 2002. Recorded in various places, including the Jacob Room of Sector 7G Studios, the CD has been well received by listeners throughout the world.
Skweez The Weezle's band history is one of several configurations. It's been a pleasure to perform with several fine musicians through the years. Those former band members and guest musicians have included:
guitarist/vocalist Troy Hanford,
fiddler/guitartist/vocalist Dawn Gordon,
percussionist Denver Greer,
percussionist/vocalist Mike Day,
fiddler Carly Bell, and
Irish bouzouki player Glenn Mortensen.
Guest percussionists have been Glenn Wright and James Powers.
Email: ObscureBandEmail
Phone: 1 (509) 528-0131