Hire the band for your venue or event!
Phone: 1 (509) 528-0131

    • 17
      March 2023

      The Bradley

      We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for St. Patrick's Day at The Bradley in Richland, Washington. Come one, come all for great foods, beverages, and music!
      location_on Richland, Washington access_time 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
      Stacks Image 170
      March 17, 2023 - Friday
      4:00-6:00 PM

      The Bradley
      404 Bradley Blvd, Suite 106
      Richland, WA
      • 17
        March 2023

        St. Patrick's Day Banquet at St. Joseph Catholic Church

        We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for a St. Patrick's Day fund raising event at St. Joseph Catholic Church. This event is open to the public.
        location_on Kennewick, Washington access_time 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
        Stacks Image 119
        St. Joseph Catholic Church
        Dillon Hall
        March 17, 2023 - Friday
        STW plays 7:00-9:00 PM

        Social at 5:30pm - Dinner 6:15pm
        Women of St. Joseph's Dessert Dash 7:00pm
        Traditional Corn Beef and Cabbage, Green beer, Irish spirits
        Tickets: $35 per person

        Sponsorship Tables:
        3 Shamrocks: $1,500 - 2 Shamrocks: $1,000 - 1 Shamrock: $76
        Proceeds will be shared by
        Hope Medical & Prepares

        Authentic Irish Entertainment 7:00pm- 9:00pm

        Door prizes
        Drawing at 8:00pm

        Tickets available at
        Hope Medical & St. Joseph's Church Office
        For more information contact Jay Wildgen at 509-901-6557
        • 22
          April 2023

          Whitman College Renaissance Faire

          We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the 2023 Faire in Walla Walla, Washington. Come one, come all for this fun, family-oriented event!
          location_on Walla Walla, Washington access_time 1:00-1:30 PM and 3:00-3:30 PM
          Stacks Image 221
          April 22, 2023 - Saturday
          1:00-1:30 PM on Queen's Stage
          3:00-3:30 PM on Caton's Stage

          Whitman College Renaissance Faire
          Whitman College Campus
          Memorial Lawn - in front of the Clock Tower
          345 Boyer Avenue
          Walla Walla, WA
          • 28
            May 2023

            60th Birthday Party

            We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for a 60th birthday party!
            location_on West Richland, Washington access_time 12:30 PM
            Stacks Image 187
            Jigs, reels, marches, and other great Celtic music played on Scottish Highland and Lowland bagpipes, whistles, bodhràn, and bass drum.
            • 17
              June 2023

              Prosser Scottish Fest and Highland Games

              We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the 21st Annual Prosser Scottish Fest!
              location_on Prosser, Washington access_time 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
              Stacks Image 204
              Prosser Scottish Fest and Highland Games - 21st Annual

              June 17, 2023 - Saturday
              Skweez The Weezle on Main Stage: 10:30-11:15 AM and 2:15-3:00 PM

              Gates open at 9:00 AM. Admission: General $12, 5-12/65 & older $6. Infamous Anvil Launch - Celtic Music - Theme Food - Highland Dance Competition - Pipe Band - Highland Heavy Athletics Competition - Clan Tents - Highland Sheep and Cattle - Children's Activities - Arts & Crafts - Scottish Vendors - Flying Anvil Pub - and more!

              Port of Benton Wine and Food Park
              I-82 exit 82 - East on Wine Country Rd - North on Benitz Rd - East on Lee Rd
              Prosser, WA (509) 786-3177 / (800) 408-1517
              • 24
                June 2023

                Dragon's Gate Renaissance Faire

                We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the 2nd annual Renaissance Faire at Dragon's Gate Brewery.
                location_on Milton-Freewater, Oregon access_time 12:30-8:00 PM
                Stacks Image 238
                Jigs, reels, marches, and other great Celtic music played on Scottish Lowland bagpipes, whistles, bodhràn, and bass drum.

                Dragon's Gate Renaissance Faire is open from 12:30-8:00 PM.

                STW set times are: 2:45-3:45 PM and 5:00-6:00 PM on the Dragon Stage.

                Dragon's Gate Brewery
                52288 Sunquist Rd
                Milton-Freewater, Oregon
                • 19
                  August 2023

                  Backyard Barbeque Party

                  We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for a Backyard Barbeque Party!
                  location_on Richland, Washington access_time 6:00-8:00 PM
                  Stacks Image 504
                  Jigs, reels, marches, and other great Celtic music played on Scottish Lowland bagpipes, whistles, bodhràn, and bass drum. Songs too!
                  • 26-27
                    Aug. 2023

                    DCCS Highland Games and Clan Gathering - 31st Annual

                    We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the 2023 Douglas County Celtic Society Highland Games and Clan Gathering.
                    location_on Umpqua, Oregon access_time 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
                    Stacks Image 136
                    Douglas County Celtic Society
                    2023 DCCS Highland Games and Clan Gathering - 31st Annual

                    Saturday, Aug. 26 and Sunday, Aug. 27, 2023 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM both days.

                    Location: on the grounds of the picturesque Henry Estates Winery, at 687 Hubbard Creek Rd in Umpqua, Oregon, west of Sutherlin.

                    Musical performers will be Skweez The Weezle Celtic band, and the Eugene Highlanders bagpipe band.

                    Skweez The Weezle will perform at 11:45am-12:45pm and 3:10-4:10pm on both days.

                    Eugene Highlanders will perform at 11:00-11:40am, 1pm with the Clan Parade, and 4:15-4:55pm on both days.

                    There will be food and vendor booths, the clan tents, and the Oregon State Heavy Athletics Championship taking place all weekend.

                    Due to the nature of progression, a set schedule for the athletics is not possible for each athletic event. They begin at 9:30 AM and will continue until finished. Caber is always the last event per class.

                    The Sheaf Toss will take place in the clan village throughout the day, both days.

                    The athletics competition will have the usual 2 events going at same time (i.e. weight over bar and stone toss, etc.) all day, both days. There is a spectator area in the separate athletics field with up close viewing of all ongoing competitions.

                    Tickets will be available at admissions only: $11.00 Adults, $10.00 seniors, and $5.00 kids
                    • 02
                      Sept. 2023

                      Tumbleweed Music Festival

                      We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the 27th Annual Tumbleweed Music Festival!
                      location_on Richland, Washington access_time 11:45 AM - 12:25 PM
                      Stacks Image 487
                      Tumbleweed Music Festival

                      September 02, 2023 - Saturday
                      Skweez The Weezle on South Stage: 11:45 AM - 12:25 PM

                      Presented by
                      Three Rivers Folklife Society - Co-sponsored by the City of Richland.
                      This is a 3-day acoustic music festival (September 1, 2, 3) located in Howard Amon Park on the banks of the mighty Columbia River in Richland, WA. The festival has 4 stages with scheduled performers and an open mic stage for walk-on performers. Another stage area, as well as 2 workshop rooms, are located in the Richland Community Center. There is a Friday night Youth Concert, a Saturday night Headliner Concert and a Sunday night Contra Dance. All events are FREE, except for the Saturday Evening Concert and Sunday Contra Dance.

                      Join us for the 27th annual Tumbleweed Music Festival!

                      STW also has a performance on the 2023 Tumbleweed Music Festival
                      virtual festival site.
                      • 16
                        Sept. 2023

                        Fund Raiser for VFW Kennewick Post #5785

                        We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for a Fund Raiser to support Post #5785's community service.
                        location_on Benton City, WA access_time 5:00 - 8:00 PM
                        Stacks Image 470
                        Jigs, reels, marches, and other great Celtic music played on Scottish Lowland bagpipes, whistles, bodhràn, and bass drum.

                        VFW Kennewick Post #5785 Fund Raiser is from 5:00-8:00 PM.

                        STW sets will be throughout the evening.

                        There will be a dinner, as well as Silent and Live Auctions with a lot of great things to choose from!

                        Double Eagle Ranch
                        50019 N River Rd
                        Benton City, Washington
                        • 24
                          Sept. 2023

                          Prosser Harvest Festival

                          We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the folks attending the 2023 Prosser Harvest Festival.
                          location_on Prosser, Washington access_time 2:00 - 3:00 PM
                          Stacks Image 521
                          Prosser Harvest Festival
                          September 24, 2023 - Sunday - 2:00-3:00 PM
                          Main Stage - on Meade Ave. between Fifth and Sixth Streets.

                          At the 2023
                          Harvest Festival, browse a wide variety of handcrafted arts, crafts, personal care products, and goodies in downtown Prosser on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, September 22, 23, and 24. There will be a variety of food vendors to enjoy also. Enjoy Arts & Crafts, Fine Art, Photography, Food Vendors, Entertainment, and Chalk Art presented by Historic Downtown Prosser. Also this weekend is the The Great Prosser Balloon Rally (Friday-Saturday-Sunday).
                          • 06
                            October 2023

                            The Bradley

                            We'll be playing high energy Celtic music for the great patrons at The Bradley in Richland, Washington. Come one, come all for great foods, beverages, and music!
                            location_on Richland, Washington access_time 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
                            Stacks Image 538
                            October 06, 2023 - Friday
                            7:00-9:00 PM

                            The Bradley
                            404 Bradley Blvd, Suite 106
                            Richland, WA

                          Email: ObscureBandEmail
                          Phone: 1 (509) 528-0131
                          SKWEEZ THE WEEZLE CELTIC MUSIC is a partner with DAVIDPLAYSTHEPIPES.COM